Feb. 1 & 2 PA Day Agendas
Westgate CVI, Superior CVI, and Hammarskjold High School will have PA Days on February 1 and 2, 2024. The following outlines the professional activity content the staff will receive.
February 1st
Morning – Report Card Writing / Assessment and EvaluationÂ
Afternoon – Report Card Writing / Assessment and EvaluationÂ
February 2nd
Morning – Secondary teachers will engage in professional learning intended to expand their understanding of the means by which student engagement and differentiated instruction may be supported through the effective use of technology in the classroom. Practical tools will be explored to enhance teaching practice, using technology, in the areas of assessment, literacy skill development, and collaborative learning across the subject areas.Â
Presenter: School Administrator, System Instructional Coach, Department Chairs
Afternoon – Secondary teachers will work collaboratively in school-based Professional Learning Communities to reflect on the most recent professional learning cycle, analyze data and monitor progress and impact on student outcomes, as well as determine their focus of learning for second semester. Student learning needs will be identified and action plans will be developed to deepen educator practice through High Impact Teaching Strategies.Â
Presenter: Department Chairs, School Administrator